Quantum Healing
Hypnosis Technique
Dolores Cannon's Method of QHHT

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I am Alannah McKeehan, and I truly believe that All Healing is Self-Healing, and our personal challenge is to find the modality that will help us as individuals live our very best life. I LOVE conducting QHHT sessions because I feel that this method has the potential to address physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological issues. Everyone should experience this incredible technique and be able to communicate with their Higher Self, obtain a greater understanding of themselves and build a connection to their multidimensional potential.

I earned business and art degrees and operated a business for many years. I am also a Reiki Master. I have four children, so I certainly appreciate how different everyone is! About ten years ago, many paranormal events started happening to me, so I read many books trying to understand my metaphysical experiences. "The Course of Miracles" made a lot of sense to me, by stating that only love is real, and that everything else is an illusion. It is hard to remember that sometimes, when we feel like we are suffering and helpless in this world, but it makes sense to me. When people come to me for QHHT, I truly care and feel a great sense of love for them, and want to help clients obtain the answers and healing they seek. I read Dolores Cannon's books in 2009, and within one month, I flew to San Diego to study with her and be trained in this method. I obtained my Level 2 certification in 2011, and have given many sessions to people who contacted me since that time.

Visualization Techniques
Developed by Dolores Cannon…


Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a visualization technique developed by Dolores Cannon, who has written more than 17 books about her hypnosis regression client's experiences. Dolores' method is based on the premise that life challenges and physical illnesses originate from deeply rooted beliefs and experiences in our subconscious mind. When QHHT practitioners work with people through visualization exercises, they can help them achieve a deeper state of awareness of the current issues in their life. This process allows for the direct communication with the SubConscious (SC) or Higher Self (HS), which knows everything about your life, and will reveal answers to questions asked of it, if it is appropriate. The HS uses the wealth of knowledge stored within your expanded consciousness. The past life can be seen as a metaphor, so it is not necessary if you believe in past lives or not. QHHT, like any other modality, has varying levels of success depending on the person, their situation, their beliefs and expectations. Everyone receives what they need at the time, to serve their highest good.

Even though we take our lives very seriously, it is really composed of stories we tell ourselves to learn and grow from experiences for various reasons. We respond to life sometimes, without being fully engaged with it, as it often conflicts with our inner desires. Instinctively, we know that some things are missing or misunderstood about our life. Karma can be seen as balancing discordant energy which restores you back into well being and equilibrium. Being able to ask your own Higher Self questions is a profound and wonderful experience since your HS knows everything about your soul's history. The HS knows the answers and solutions that you need and can bring immediate results if you understand and follow its advice. Your own HS loves you unconditionally, and wants to help you be the very best you can be and to learn the necessary lessons you were sent here to learn.

Unique stories unfold and are a perfect match to what is being experienced in the current life. The HS can and does initiate the body's own self-healing after having brought what was previously unconscious to the conscious mind's awareness. All healing is self-healing and I cannot heal you or anyone else. I am merely a facilitator to direct you towards your own personal quest for personal understanding, better health, and a happier, more peaceful life. Everything you say to me is confidential and I will never, ever judge you.

QHHT Hypnosis
What Is It?


The state of awareness during QHHT, is naturally experienced several times a day; moments before you become fully awake in the morning, and also right before you fall asleep at night. With my guidance, you can easily reach this relaxed state of mind to assist you in obtaining the answers to questions or to receive the healing you wish to address. The client is always in control, and maintains their freewill to participate in accepting or rejecting any suggestions. Hypnosis is a powerful tool for problem solving and is used to bring your subconscious to the forefront. This allows you to access information not otherwise readily available to your conscious mind. It is our destiny to have transformational experiences through a shift in consciousness, as we all process the divine ability to explore our soul's history, resolve conflicts, and have the direct experience of our authentic spiritual essence. We all have four levels of consciousness: BETA- Wide awake and alert; ALPHA- First level of altered state of mind; THETA- Deepest level of trance; and DELTA- Asleep.

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QHHT can help you resolve your past challenges, release family patterns, heal health problems, or find meaning and purpose in your life. QHHT is incredible because it can heal traumas incurred during events in this life or past lives that may have manifested as physical or emotional issues. Sometimes issues will resolve themselves only when the awareness of the problem has been considered and thought about. Deeply rooted feelings can create emotional stress, and we can interrupt and eliminate destructive negative thoughts and patterns. By experiencing the Higher Self, you can ask your own questions and receive healing of physical issues if appropriate. This is a magical, holy, spiritual technique for those who are ready to be open-minded, will make changes if necessary, and accept responsibility for self-healing. This is a very powerful process. After your session, you will find that your life becomes more empowered by the confidence and understanding that comes with your new insights. Your life opportunities become enhanced and your creativity and self-esteem flourish, as your perspective broadens.

The body is a compass and delivers messages in the form of physical symptoms meant to alert patients to imbalances in their personal, professional, and spiritual lives. Your best outcome will happen when you are personally invested in your healing journey and accept more responsibility for why you are sick and how you might get better.

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Make the conscious choice before the session that you will totally surrender to the process, will hold nothing back, and know that you have nothing to hide. Set an intention for healing before you come. Begin by thinking about the questions you want answers to, such as starting them with what, where, who, when and how. Start thinking about what aspects of your life needs to be healed, released, forgiven, or what would add to the quality of your life. Ask yourself what you would be doing differently if something was changed. Personal self-exploration clears the way for healing to take place.

Prepare a list of questions you want the answers to, and bring them with you when you visit me. Put the questions and concerns in order of importance to you as we may not be able to address all of them. Some clients bring me a few questions, and others bring me many questions. It really does not matter how many you come up with, only that you put them in order of importance.

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When you visit me for a session, please stay open-minded and expect the unexpected as you allow your own subconscious mind to reveal the appropriate things that will be the most helpful for you. Let yourself become curious about your own revelations. The session gives you a direct experience of your spiritual essence and initiates healing that is immediate and lasting.

First, we will spend about 1 1/2 to 2 hours talking about your life, concerns, and health issues. I want to know everything about you, because I really care and consider myself to be your advocate when I converse with your SC/HS and make sure I understand your point of view. This is similar to talking to a therapist or counselor.

We want your body to be very relaxed and your mind focused and alert. To help you reach a deeply relaxed state, Dolores Cannon always uses a bed to regress her clients on, and so do I, so you will lay on a bed and I will cover you with blankets. Your eyes will be closed and I will ask you to visualize a few simple objects. Images, thoughts, or ideas will begin to form in your mind and I will ask you about them. This will take 2 to 3 hours.

You are ALWAYS in control and I am only the guide to help you on this wonderful journey. We will record the session, so that you can listen to our conversation later. It is very important that you listen to the recording, so that you will remember the answers that were given and confirm that the healing has taken place. When we are finished, we will sit down together and talk about what transpired in the session. It is recommended that you listen to your session frequently in the early days since there will be a lot of information with more insight coming into your conscious mind from your Higher Self.

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> Is there anything about my diet I should change or be aware of?
> Can my ________ discomfort be healed?
> Are there any health issues I am not consciously aware of that I should know about?
> I have had asthma since birth. Why? Can it be healed?
> I would like to lose weight and keep it off.


> I really dislike my job and would like to quit and find a new one. Should I?
> How can I create more peace, balance, and abundance in my life?
> I would like to be a writer, but I get frustrated and mental blocks go off. Why?
> Is living here the right place for me?
> I have a lifelong interest in (name ANY subject). Can we explore this in depth?


> Is there anything I should know about the relationship I'm currently in?
> I have always remained withdrawn from my family. Is there a reason for this?
> I am in a new love relationship. Is this person the right one for me?
> I have a difficult relationship with my sister. Why is this so and can it be resolved?
> Who do I need to forgive?


> What am I supposed to be doing?
> Why am I here?
> What is my purpose here?
> What steps can I take to evolve my consciousness?
> Are some of the dreams I have significant?
> Do I have any karma I need to work through?
> Is meditating something I should make an effort to do?
> What could I do to move in a more purposeful direction?
> What is my biggest obstacle to moving forward?
> Many years ago I had something strange happen to me. (This could be a dream, vision, feeling, or experience). What exactly happened and why?
> Am I on my right spiritual path?
> Can I meet my spirit guide or guardian angel?
> Can I improve my intuitive or psychic skills? How?
> Did I come to Earth with a specific soul group or wave?

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A woman who was very unhappy in her marriage for many years and had seen 6 counselors in two years, was still stuck and unable to change her situation despite a very successful career. After two sessions with me, she moved out of her house and started the life she truly desired.

A woman was unhappy with her life and wanted someone to rescue her. She was shown portraits of herself as royalty and was beautifully dressed. Next, she saw herself as different characters in several traditional fairy tales. She then realized and said "Life is not a fairy tale. No one is going to rescue me. I have to save myself." Until she came to that conclusion, she could not move forward.

A man came to me complaining about gynecomastia symtoms (male breast enlargement) and wanted me to request their reduction. He was shown images of mistreating, deceiving, and abusing women in this lifetime and was told his enlarged breasts were a reminder to respect and not harm women.